Buying A Concrete Pump For Sale In South Africa

Are you planning to buy a concrete pump in South Africa? Do you know how many different types are there? What makes one pump better than the others? Is there a specific price?

In this blog post, we will explore the most important things you should know about buying a concrete pump in South Africa.

Types of Pumps

There are different kinds of concrete pumps available in the market. Here’s a list of a few:

Standalone concrete pump
Concrete mixer and pump
Concrete pump truck

All these types have different applications. Some types make sense in one particular situation whereas others are best for other different circumstances. You should choose a concrete pump machine based on your particular requirements.

ABT60C Diesel Trailer Pump

Technical Specifications

When you’re searching for a concrete pump, you need to finalize the technical specifications for your particular requirements. Some of these things include:

Theoretical output in cubic meters per hour
Maximum bucket volume
Maximum aggregate size it can handle
Maximum operation radius
Capacity of hydraulic tank
Maximum vertical height
Maximum horizontal distance
Remote operation
Type of distribution valve

The theoretical output determines the maximum amount of concrete that can be pumped out. You would want to choose a capacity that is a bit higher than the capacity you’re actually going to use for your projects. However, choosing a capacity that is substantially higher than you’re going to use on a daily basis isn’t recommended.

Bucket volume refers to the amount of concrete that can be handled by the pump. In short, it is capacity of the hopper from which concrete is pulled by the engine to push through the outlet valve.

People who don’t have much experience in the construction industry assume that all kinds of aggregate sizes can be handled by all kinds of portable concrete pumps but that is simply not true. Choose a model that is capable of handling the aggregate size that is regularly used for the projects you undertake.

As far as the maximum vertical height and horizontal distance is concerned, it depends on the kind of projects. If you regularly take on projects where you need to deliver concrete over hundreds of feet, make sure you choose a model with the appropriate capacity.

ABT40C Trailer Pump

Type of Engine

These pumps can be driven by both diesel engines and electric engines. Both have their own advantages and limitations.

You would obviously need uninterrupted power if choose to go with an electric powered pump. On the other hand, a diesel engine driven pump can be used almost everywhere regardless of the power situation. More info here:

How to Choose the Right Concrete Pump?

When it comes to choosing the right concrete pump, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, customer reviews, after sales service and price in addition to technical specifications.

Make sure you ask for estimates from local as well as foreign suppliers. Also, don’t choose a particular model based only on the initial price. Always prioritize durability and reliability over initial price.

Final Thoughts

Overall, several types of concrete pumps are available for sale in South Africa. Your first priority should be to finalize the technical specifications of the concrete pump for sale in South Africa that is just right for your needs. In addition to that, you should also pay attention to customer reviews and the manufacturer’s reputation to get the best value for your money in the long run.