Helpful Tips For Buying A Self-Loading Concrete Mixer

Self-loading concrete mixers (самоходная бетономешалка) are extremely efficient, combining the job of two different machines into one. They act as both a loader and a concrete mixing truck, meaning that you can use a single piece of equipment to perform multiple tasks. This makes them economical, efficient, and practical. Keep reading for some helpful tips on buying a self-loading concrete mixer.

The capacity of the mixing drum on the concrete mixer is one of the most important things to think about. If it is too small, you will need to mix multiple loads of concrete for each project, which can negatively impact your productivity. Having to stop and mix more concrete naturally slows you down, causing your projects to take longer.

If you choose a mixer that is too large, on the other hand, you may wind up paying more than necessary. Figure out about how much concrete you use for a typical project. Then, look for a mixer that is appropriately sized.

Self loading concrete mixer for sale
Order Self loading concrete mixer from China

Anytime you buy equipment, you need to think about quality. One way to ensure that you are getting a high-quality machine is by working with a top-rated manufacturer. If the company has a reputation for consistently creating high-quality products, it is a pretty safe bet that their self-loading concrete mixers are designed to meet their quality standards.

Other factors that you need to think about include the discharge rate of the concrete mixer and the overall capacity of the water tank. You can often find this information online by looking up the model that you are interested in. Check the specifications to see the maximum amounts for both of these figures online:

You should also consider whether or not the mixer is capable of navigating the terrain at one of your typical job sites. Some mixers are designed to handle rugged terrain, while others do best on flat, smooth surfaces. If you work on sites with more extreme conditions, it is important to look for a mixer that is capable of making it over difficult terrain.

Ease-of-use is another consideration. The vehicle should be equipped with a comfortable cab for the driver. Ideally, the cab will be fully enclosed to provide some protection against noise and debris. Operating the machine itself should be easy and intuitive. The controls should all be easy to reach so that the driver doesn’t have to strain to do their job.

Self loading concrete mixer price
Self loading concrete mixer buy

You may also want to note the weight of the mixer truck, both when empty and when fully loaded. This can be important for determining whether or not it is safe to take the mixer across certain roads or bridges.

Hopefully, you found these tips for buying a self-loading concrete mixer helpful. If you have any questions about how mixers like these work, the best way to get answers is by reaching out to a company that manufactures them (such us: производитель Aimix). They can walk you through all of the features, explaining exactly how they work and what benefits they provide. Based on that information, you can then choose a self-loading mixer that will allow you to get your work done as efficiently as possible.