The Importance Of Owning A Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Any firm that needs concrete should consider buying a mobile concrete batching plant (мобильный бсу). This portable production equipment that is mounted on a truck can produce customized concrete mixes. It has bins that can hold aggregates as well as admixtures. The main benefit of this plant is the ease of transportation to different construction sites within a short time. Also, when compared to a traditional mixer, a mobile batching plant requires very little space. Based on your unique concrete needs it might be ideal to consider this type of plant. Most mobile concrete batching plants supply extras bins to enable you to customize your mix by adding various admixtures.

 Mobile Concrete Plant
Mobile Concrete Batching Plant For Sale

Below we will highlight some of the benefits offered by a mobile concrete batching plant.

Convenience at a cheap price

One of the primary advantages of a mobile concrete plant is the flexibility offered at a reasonable price when compared to traditional batching plants. It is a special solution that can provide concrete to any site with rapid deployment. This makes it a perfect fit for contractors who need smaller quantities of concrete per day.

Ease of movement

Transfer of a mobile plant from one site to another is easy. This allows for flexible usage and deployment based on concrete needs. Scheduling and managing construction work becomes very easy. Its compact structure allows all components to be mounted on one truck and transported to your desired location. The plant’s structure offers a valuable solution that is adaptable and effective in meeting your concrete production needs.

Reduced costs

Another benefit is the reduction in expenses. Delivering concrete from a stationary plant (стационарный завод) miles away adds transportation costs to your budget. Furthermore, the concrete delivered is not fresh and can be of poor workability if delivery takes too long. A mobile concrete batching plant cuts the delivery cost per yard while providing high-quality concrete on your site.

Mobile concrete plants
China Mobile Concrete Batching Plant 35 m3/h

Quality concrete on demand

When concrete is being transported to the construction site from a batching plant in another location, factors such as traffic jams can lead to delays. In case of delays in delivery, drivers have to add water to the concrete. This compromises the quality of the concrete delivered. But, a mobile concrete batching plant at the construction site enables the immediate delivery of concrete after production.

Remote Sites

For construction sites in remote areas, a normal batching plant is uneconomical. Also, setting up the plant there might be impossible or might consume a lot of time. Mobile concrete batching plants solve this problem. You just need to transport the mobile plant to the site and you’re ready to go.

Construction projects can be effectively served by mobile concrete batching plants. Their production features allow the mixing of aggregates of various types, adjusting the mix to the desired composition, and fresh concrete delivery to facilitate easy placement and workability. Every job will occur as per the planned schedule and the mobile plant will allow you to serve clients in distant areas who were out of reach previously. If you want to buy a mobile asphalt batching plant, AIMIX GROUP is a good choice.